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So, Urban Decay does it again... With 100 lipsticks !!!
 How can you choose just one? Answer- you can't!

They are all so creamy, all so beautiful, there must be over 30 nudes in all different tones! If you can't find the perfect nude or perfect red something is seriously wrong!

They come in 6 finishes..

1- mega matte
2- comfort matte
3- cream
4- sheer
5- metallized 
6- sheer shimmer

Comfort matte is my favorite, but to be totally honest I love them all, and I love mixing them, adding a shimmer to a matte, adding a cream to create an ombré lip. The possibilities are endless with these besties...

Not to mention you can download the VICE lipstick app, for android and iPhone and try the lipstick on. There was 45 out of 100 that u loved... I love them all, but I don't suit pinks, so I had to cut a lot of them out ... But they are all amazing on everyone else :) 

So obviously I've been playing... And with a funky lip came space buns and glitter eyes, and chokers, haha.
Anyone that knows me, knows I curl, or put up, and this day my hair wasn't doing what I wanted and I was really embracing the quirk this day, so here's a few pics...

I'm wearing Perversion (black), Jawbreaker (rich dark purple) and Twitch (a creamy light purple) to create an ombré lip.

Next up I went for perversion, with solstice moondust eyeshadow.. I had a lot of girls laughing at me on snap chat as I filmed the reaction of my little lunch walk to Marks and Spencer's, Ballymena granny's aren't just used to seeing someone with a hat and black lipstick run around town... But I liked it :)

So if you haven't visited your local Urban Decay, then I suggest you do, I genuinely think these lipsticks are the best you'll get ! 



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