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What a 30th eh?

On the 14th March we had my surprise birthday- which I think was the last official night out? Even some of the gals couldn’t make it because of Coronavirus. I don’t like that old thing. Big 30 on the 17th March, couldn’t even get to Ramore ffs, RUDE. (I’m joking) there’s clearly more important things in the world... All month there’s been chat of this virus, we really didn’t think much of it.. like I really don’t think we expected this.

One of my best friends and I toasted to ‘our year’ at the spa with a cocktail and a glass of champers on the 1st of March. LOLLLL I mean it still could be. This is super crazy but if we stay safe and follow the rules this will pass. Regrettably we can’t control everything and lives will be lost, how sad is it that an actual sentence people say now is only ‘x’ amount of people died today and that’s promising... oh okay.๐Ÿ˜ญ

Most of my friends turn 30 this year. It was to be a year of celebration, all of us having been through something or another, and finally chucked it all in the fuck if bucket and ready to live. Take the bull by the balls (or is it horns? Either way, I got that sucker by the balls)... 


I’m not even going to discuss how hard the 21st of March was to close my salon, not knowing when I’ll be able to open again, or how business will be when we do. It’s definitely going to be a challenging first few months back, depending how this virus goes, but no one knows, we just have to take it day by day. It taught me just how much I love my job. How much I love you guys, my clients ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–

And this is all of us. We are so united in this. It really puts everything into perspective- what’s important in life.

I was so excited for all the celebrations for all of our 30th birthdays, every time it’s a big birthday we celebrate the whole month with our pals. And we always go in for each-other... Put it this way, I don’t care about presents, I’d rather spend time with people... make memories. I had an amazing birthday night, and I’m so gutted some of my other besties had to celebrate theirs in their houses! When this is all over we’ll be celebrating the rest of our lives just because we can, with the people we care about most.

I’ve spent the 1st month of quarantine analyzing, and thinking, and worrying over ridiculous things. You won’t know it; as most of the time, I’m able to stop it: I make a stupid tik tok, I do a creative look: I post non-stop on Instagram. But that keeps me busy. It keeps me semi sane. I do it simply because of the messages I get from you guys. People that enjoy what I post, say I’m an eijit, and they love the banter. That’s why I do it. Not one thing I post is fake. I’m trying to build an online... something anyway, presence? It’s good for business they say. And if I get there (wherever there is), I get there! And if I do , I’ll get there genuinely, and having fun, being true to myself and just living. And posting about it. Social media is meant to be that, social. There are way too many people out there spouting ‘positivity’ yet they won’t build others up. I see it every day. Learn to remove that negativity from your feed, from your life, is key.

It’s very easy during this time to read into everything, get paranoid, go into a dark place, and I AM SOOOO bad for bottling up little things then they turn into big things and I make this whole shit storm in my head over something, like a literal mountain out of a mole hill, for no reason. You are your own worst enemy in these situations, because 9/10 it’s totally all in your head. 

Even I was agreeing with the memes, ‘this will show you who really cares’, and all that, then just after I saw another one- ‘testing people’s loyalties during a pandemic is mental, not everyone is in the right mental space to be checking in with all their pals’.

I believe both arguments are true. It takes two seconds to check in though, the issue is with social media, we see people are ‘active’ or ‘online’ or sharing a post, yet they can’t message you? The the mind goes. This is where we need to step back from reading into things, cause it most likely has nothing to do with you, but it’s hard to not read into it, when you see the support for others, and the lack of support for you.  Why don’t they share my post? Like my post? Watch my story? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚ Well probably because it’s 5 years long SK... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

There’s so much bullshit in that, BUT, I am a firm believer of support your pals, so even though I literally don’t care if I get 10 likes for 1000 (lol never in my life), your friends should be first on that list.  Friends are supposed to be your cheerleaders and you them.  I was roaring as Rebecca posted an amazing tutorial the other day and I was bigging it up, and she was being critical of herself, then I did the same and we both were basically telling each other how good our tutorials were while we both were so hard on our own lol! That’s girl power ✌️๐Ÿ˜‚

 Sometimes we need to step away from social media. And take a breather. You could over analyse anything someone does on social media and create a problem that isn’t there. A famed talent of mine as I mentioned above.  Apart from literally updating my story 70 times a day, I don’t look at my phone otherwise. And I only post because I know a lot of you have been loving it, and I don’t want to let anyone down as this is such a weird, shitty time for a lot of people, and if watching some idiot (me) dress up in stupid outfits in her house makes you laugh then I’m here for it. 

I’m not gonna lie though, I have been enjoying a bit of a break, I haven’t enjoyed not being able to see my friends and family, but I’ve enjoyed a break. And this weather. But I can’t wait to get back to normality, and obviously a break in these circumstances isn’t really a break is it. People are sick and this is very real. And don’t start me on all the fake news. I just had to stop. 

I’ve left the house maybe 6 times in these last 5 weeks to go to the shop, my shop to check in or the post office. And by hiding at home, and my walks in the country, having stopped watching the news, I can almost pretend I’m on a longggg day or 200 off ๐Ÿ™ˆ Going to the shop makes it all real.

While I’ve been home, I’ve been productive with clearing out the house and the wardrobe, doing makeup looks, plenty of walking. But not everyday. Some days, i wear gym gear but don’t work out. Some days it’s jammies all day. Some days I force myself to make tik toks cause after a while I laugh and enjoy the banter watching them and picking which ones I’ll do. 

There is no right way to do this. And you do not have to be productive. You can have a day, a week. A month. BUT don’t do what I have done loads, which is over think EVERYTHING.  Get out of your head. Just breathe. Like we all need to, and take this time to relax. Or to do whatever the fuck you want to do. But don’t over think. Don’t worry. Because it will all be okay.  I’ve been keeping busy because that’s how I cope with things, you do whatever you need to in this time that helps you with that too ๐Ÿ’–

Sending so much love, and please stay safe .
SK xoxo
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