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It’s all we see everywhere right now on social media. Being enough. You are enough. It’s true. It’s just such a same we don’t all believe it. Because we should ๐Ÿ’—

It’s very hard to not let negative thoughts cross your mind about yourself, especially in these times when we’re all at home, not much to do but try to be productive... And with social media to stare at everyday. I don’t know about you, but I find myself feeling awful if I don’t do something with each day. If I don’t do a makeup look, a video or keep up with Instagram I feel like I’m not being a ‘go getter’. 

You’ll have heard me say the past couple weeks I’ve been feeling down and even my last blog post there, about getting into that silly little rut of just scrolllllllinggggg and that’s when it happens... The ‘I’m not enough’. Some people’s business pages and instagrams are so pleasing to look at, so matchy and themed. 

I look at mine. hash. 

Each photo different, whether I’m doing a natural look, a mermaid, a Vegas post, oh there’s me in Canada, there’s me as Chucky the doll, a clown, there’s Thailand... None of it blends, doesn’t vibe like a lot of the big bloggers. Comparing. Photos aren’t as polished. But I take so much time to try and get it right? Still ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ‍♀️


I’m not the only one. We beat ourselves up sometimes, it certainly won’t be the last time I feel like this, bloody wish it would be because I know it’s an awful way to look at things, and I’m totally more positive in general but you get the off day. Lately throughout this, it’s happening a little more. But NO. Stop. Get that little demon out of your mind. Goodbye Felicia...

There’s nothing wrong with doing things a different way. We definitely need to see the positives in ourselves a bit more. And all around us. I mean it’s not jealousy, it’s not longing to be like someone else, we’re all looking at the others admiring and loving their content, their work, but just because it’s beautiful, and amazing and we look up to it, doesn’t make ours any less beautiful. Just like you look at a beautiful person- they may be beautiful, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t.

We are all enough. We’re all doing our thing, the best way we can, the best way we know how. Right now, with all this craziness going on, the last thing we need to be doing is putting pressure on ourselves for how much or how little we’re doing over this ‘lockdown’ period. It’s SOOO much easier said then done. And being woman, I’m sure some weeks it will be easier to deal with than others.

Being in the beauty industry, I LOVE seeing everyone’s creations online everyday, I live for it. But some weeks it gets me down thinking I should be hustling today, but I’m like eughhhhh I don’t wanna get out of my pjs ๐Ÿ˜‚ Then that thought gets me all moody for the day, I feel useless. How riddic? Girl. We are allowed to take a day off social media. A day off thinking about what to create. I’ve been finding this part super hard to do. Let it go girl. This is a weird as time, don’t make it harder on yourself. Take a few extra pamper days a week- cause let me tell ya, you’ll be begging for them when we’re all back to work ๐Ÿ˜‚

It’s amazing how I could sit there and look at someone, aspire to be like them, then I get a little message from someone saying that’s how they feel about me.. Well, shit, that made me cry, are you sure hun? There’s so much more out there ๐Ÿ˜‚ But that right there, you have no idea who you’re impacting, and how people view you. And how lovely is that? Forget about the negativity, you can’t control how some people will take what you say or do, but that. You could be that for someone, and not know. ๐Ÿ’— 

All we can do is support each other. Build each other up. Build yourself up too. Cause girl, and boy. You. GOT. This. Remember, it doesn’t matter what other people are doing, it matters what you are doing. And that you’re happy doing it. Be positive. Focus on your happiness. And if you’re proud of you, and you should be. Own it.

‘Master the chaos in you, 
you are not thrown into the fire, 
you are the fire’

Love SK xo

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