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So, I totally got a new camera... I didn't know which one to go for... Lots of bloggers/muas/youtubers seem to use the Sony A5100, but I got the A5000, it's the one before that, but for what I need it for getting it in duty free for £230 was a lot better that £4/500 on the newer version...

I've compared them below for you, there's not much difference. I'm still playing with the manual settings not 100% which is best but I'll get there! So many different functions to change etc! I'm used to click and go! Lol the lens is super sensitive, plus you can buy bigger ones, better ones, but I'm pretty content with mine ! 

Screenshot from

I can't wait to try and get a video made with it, I really haven't had any time! And now I'm on a plane on the way to Canada and thought I'd jot this all down .

Here's the link to compare the differences between the cameras -> 

And here's some pics of me being a poser with the camera... Hello, make up artist here- comes with the territory haha! 

So I'll be away for 3 weeks- I'm gonna try and VLOG with my new clicks, and figure out the best way to edit etc! So keep an eye end of July!!

Love & hugs,



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So, Urban Decay does it again... With 100 lipsticks !!!
 How can you choose just one? Answer- you can't!

They are all so creamy, all so beautiful, there must be over 30 nudes in all different tones! If you can't find the perfect nude or perfect red something is seriously wrong!

They come in 6 finishes..

1- mega matte
2- comfort matte
3- cream
4- sheer
5- metallized 
6- sheer shimmer

Comfort matte is my favorite, but to be totally honest I love them all, and I love mixing them, adding a shimmer to a matte, adding a cream to create an ombré lip. The possibilities are endless with these besties...

Not to mention you can download the VICE lipstick app, for android and iPhone and try the lipstick on. There was 45 out of 100 that u loved... I love them all, but I don't suit pinks, so I had to cut a lot of them out ... But they are all amazing on everyone else :) 

So obviously I've been playing... And with a funky lip came space buns and glitter eyes, and chokers, haha.
Anyone that knows me, knows I curl, or put up, and this day my hair wasn't doing what I wanted and I was really embracing the quirk this day, so here's a few pics...

I'm wearing Perversion (black), Jawbreaker (rich dark purple) and Twitch (a creamy light purple) to create an ombré lip.

Next up I went for perversion, with solstice moondust eyeshadow.. I had a lot of girls laughing at me on snap chat as I filmed the reaction of my little lunch walk to Marks and Spencer's, Ballymena granny's aren't just used to seeing someone with a hat and black lipstick run around town... But I liked it :)

So if you haven't visited your local Urban Decay, then I suggest you do, I genuinely think these lipsticks are the best you'll get ! 





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Girls, can I get an OH. EM. GEEE !?

I cannot express how amazing this Urban Decay creation is...
Please. Look. It's just so beautiful <3

I am obsessed with it, like genuinely used it every single day since I got it! At first look I wasn't sure of the colors, thought some I wouldn't get use out of but no, I can use them all! They are stunning. So pigmented, as usual urban decay! Well done !

Did I mention the lipsticks are totally bae?? I really don't suit TIME- which is the blue one... But here is a photo of this beauty Zara McNeilly MUA wearing it- I'm sure you'll all agree it's totally stunning on her 💜

I'll post some photos now below with some pictures of my big face testing out a few different looks... I'll be testing out the green-y colors next so stay tuned for more selfies with this big beaut!!

The one with the purply lip is madhatter lippy with Mirana lippy on the outside 💜

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Oh. My. Goodness... Oh, MY goodness!!!

I cannot apologise enough, it's been about 6 weeks now since I've squeezed in some time to do a blog post!
*Bad SK 
(slaps wrist)

But, I'm back, hopefully once a week, but life does get in the way sometimes and it can be so hard to fit it all in! I'm here now to give you my excuses and that right there, gave me my next blog post, life for me at the present.

Who doesn't want a little life blog post now and again? I don't really know where this is going to go, so bare with me in my keyboard rants, as it may well just turn into me blabbing on and word vomiting everything onto this screen...

Just after my birthday, I was offered a promotion in my job *cheers*. Over the actual moon, I accepted... Little did I know those extra 7.5 hours a week would take up a lot of my time outside of work as well. Not in a bad way, because I LOVE my job, I'm now the Account Manager for a Major, Global Cosmetics house, some of you who know me, will know where, but I like to keep it to my personal profiles, as my business, YouTube and blog are separate from this, and are my own views, not that of my employer. But, my employer is AWESOME!

I haven't been happy in a job in YEARS, like for real, this is probably the happiest I've been in a long time, over the years, my husband and I have struggled to find what we want to actually do with our lives, apart from knowing we wanted to be with each other, we didn't really know where else we wanted to go from there, career wise that is! And finally we're both getting somewhere now, I feel like its our time to be successful and Happy. 

 We've lost friends over the years in the process of finding our happiness, keeping those who are true and not judgemental/avoiding any keeping up with the jones' situation. I had to pull the pin. Not to be immature, but I just had enough, have you ever just gone out with a group of people that made you feel so shit, like real shit on the bottom of their shoe? That was them. The worst thing about them was the fact that I once loved them. I went through university with them all, did everything with them, for them, grandparents died, I was there for them, and when my grandfather died, I got one text message from one boy. No one else cared. Hard times make you realise when a friendship is one sided, had it always been like this but I was too drunk at Uni to notice?? LOL It was a competition, why should there be competition with friends? like, there shouldn't be! One girl got her nose out of joint because we got engaged before she did. 
Her response was... 'oh, we didn't think you guys had any savings'... *Slams on breaks. 
ARE YOU SHITTING ME??? WTF are you discussing my bank account for? 
A. none of your business.
B. Our account was and is perfect thank you much.
C. NONE OF YOUR Business.
We'd get the odd invite to go out, then it got to the stage they'd 'forget' to invite us, 'such a big group, its easy to leave someone out'... AYE. LOL... So as you do, when you're done, and made feel like shit, I just said, no, that's it. I deleted them from my life. The thing is, if that was someone I actually cared about, I'd call them, ask what was wrong, make amends. Not one of them contacted us ever again. Nothing was said, no fall out, no argument, we all went to a party, they were being rude, ignorant, arrogant, and I just looked as Chris and said, this isn't my scene, I'm done. And he said, 'me too'.
So I hit the remove button. And that was literally it.
 I couldn't give a rats ass, I'd say hello to everyone in the street, but not one will look as us now. As if we've done something wrong. It's funny isn't it, how your best friends can become strangers so fast like that.. I haven't thought about that in a long time, but thanks to facebook flashbacks, I know this was about 2 years ago.*laugh face.

SO, yes, friends come and go, but family, friends, my newish ;) husband, my baby bear (lily the dog) and my business, career that I'm totally in LOVE with and obsessed with, is what I'm really here to tell you all about... Not a distant memory, but how things have changed from where I was there, to where I am now is actually miles and miles!
  I'm SO passionate about what I do, the products I sell, Make Up in general, I literally eat, sleep and breathe it. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it... but I definitely notice it annoying the people around me. for one, my phone never stops, which is UNREAL for me, not for the friend I'm on a coffee date with, my family, my husband, or for my little baby lily (my dog) who wants to go for a Wahh (we can't say the word she goes NUTS).. I have over 3k on facebook in little over a year, wonder can I get 3k more by next year??? 

That's my problem... I'm addicted. I keep pushing myself, I watch Youtube, I read everything, I practice and go to masterclass, and spend SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much money to try and better myself, my career, up my skills. It's really, really draining. I'd say wouldn't change it for the world, but I'd make more time in the day, the week, month, and year. I just need to find a balance I think, because I really can't live life looking at my screens. I haven't had time or taken the time on myself really at all. Since my wedding last year, I've gained almost half of the weight back that I had lost, because I'd rather find out what the next trend is and stay up all night on google then go to bed at a decent hour and get up early for a run.. LOL run. ew.

But really, balance is KEY. it's really sad to think by staring at a phone, business page on Facebook etc how much of the world you are missing, as I always explain to the husband, If I want to be successful this is what I have to do in this digital age. They say you should post 3 to 5 different selfies on Instagram a day. I cant do my make up 5 different ways a day?!!? Also that's such a waste of product!!! But I don't just do it for my business now, I do it for my actual everyday job too.. I freelance when I can around my day job, but I also take clients and do make up everyday there, people know this so I'm constantly messaging trying to organise myself, and my diary at home and it can all be a bit *AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!*  

 And Not to mention, this industry Is SO bitchy, and so competitive, its really nasty sometimes... I've never had anything personally done to me, apart from being copied, lets be real though, it's a compliment when someone does that, it means you're doing something right, and there's loads of mua's out there that I get inspo from, the difference with is I actually take the time to credit that MUA for giving me the inspo for said look... Didn't think I could finish this paragraph without a little dig haha. But really, there is SO much cyber fighting, and facebook wars between make up artists, I get the popcorn out and read every single comment to be fair like, but it is SO shockingly immature, and AWFUL for business... WHY do they do it? Stop, you're all beautiful, talented ladies. Paint some faces, shut up and enjoy this thriving industry! You do not have to compare yourselves to another girl or guy in this WORLD. There is enough business out there for us all! Like, as if people actually fall out with people over being jealous at seeing their success? BOKE (or if you're Not Northern Irish - Vomit). 
Wise. up.

Back to this balance thing... I'm going to start making more use of my free time, breaks, lunches, etc to blog and edit my videos. That way I can come home, finish off clients and have to family time, go for a walk, get myself back to it! As much as I want to be successful, have my Skillzz up to scratch, I also don't want to miss any opportunities to live, and enjoy life. Because if what they say is true, and you only live once, well frig, I'm already 26 and I certainly don't know where those 26 years came from, so God only knows how fast the next 26 will go... And that SCARES the life out of me. SO, if its possible for me to find the balance, to be successful in my current career, my business from home, having myself in the physical shape I want and having time with my family where they aren't shouting at me for doing work, aka be successful and have a life, I'll be flying... 

Now to quote one of my favourite chick flicks.. 
The Devil Wears Prada.

 "Andrea: My personal life is falling apart. Nigel: That's what happens when you start doing well at work. Let me know when your entire life goes up in smoke, then it's time for a promotion."

Again, apologies for my rantings, but I hope they were at least a bit of crack for your day! 

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Tool | Time

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    Girl, dem brushes thoooughhh 😍 

Could I be more excited that I finally have these!? No.
 No I couldn't ! 

My hubby got me these for my birthday yesterday and they are just divine!!! 

They are so soft, and so perfect the quality of these is unreal! I have been using them wondering how I lived without for so long!
I'll definitely be purchasing another set- I would like to have a set for clients and my own instead of brush cleaning Forever and ever. Which I suppose regardless I have to do anyway lol! Hygiene and all that :) 

Anyway, Zoeva brushes win.

Also happy st. Paddy's day! FYI my birthday 🙊💚☘

Hope you al had a lovely time off! Next week Easter!

Here's some looks achieved with my new pretty brushes!

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The main thing everyone asks me is what kind of foundation should I use for oily skin/ dry skin / Normal skin.

'My make up never stays on'

'It goes all patchy'

'It just slides off'

'It darkens through the day'

Is this you? 
Because it's all of us - when we don't take the time to know our face, and prepare it for the day and prime that babyyyy!!

Throughout my daily makeup routine, I have a shower, wash and scrub my face with Dermologica's Clear Start scrub, then when I'm out I tone my skin, let dry and put on the daily moisturizer!
(You can use any cleaner, toner and moisturizer catered to your own skin type- I only use this right now as my skin is acting like a 14 year old and I'm trying to fix it lol) 

So once I've done that, I start to sort other things out, like do my brows, get dressed or do my hair ! 

If you are like me and Habe the odd 1000 spots on your forehead at the moment or anywhere! I recently just bought this blemish control gel from MAC... It's £13.50 from Debenhams and stings like a motherrrrr.... But when you want your make up done and that one spot just like to sit there all gross and 'moist' stick that baby on and it dries it right up! Read to then go ahead and prime that face! 

Pics from google images...

So after that I put this little beauty just in my T-Zone.. Just dab it on your forehead, nose and cheeks if needed, and this Skin Refined Zone by MAC Keeps those areas nice and matte and I feel like it blurs out any imperfections and just grabs onto your foundation !

After that... (I know this sounds like so much but it really doesn't take long!!) I get my primer on around my perfectly sculpted eyebrows lol!!! And the primer like the moisturizer goes all over ( you don't ever put anything on your eyes... No moisturizer, no face primer, and no foundation....

So that's your face now prepped and your brows done!! So now I'd go on to my eyes. I use Eden eyeshadow primer by Urban Decay. It's hands down my favorite eye primer! And I put a little shadow base on top of that... Which is just a light colored eyeshadow so that it's easy to blend everything! 

Voila! Do your eye makeup, fondation, contour, blend, bake, powder, blend. If I ever look too cakey/not even I spray some Fix+ by MAC which is just a nice re-hydrating mist. And then to set it all together to make sure nothing moves I use the Urban Decay Finishing spray! 

So I'd film a get ready with me.... But let's me real I swear way to much, I fart around when I'm doing my makeup:/ hair. When I'm rushing I can be done in 20/30 minutes depending what eye I'm doing, but while I do all This I go down after one stage and make tea, forget about it, it gets cold do something else then make more tea... So you see a get ready with me would be super annoying for everyone involved! lol but I'll maybe to a rush one! 

Anyway !! Moral of the story is PREP YOUR FACE!

And your make up will last you for days ;) it helps when you really get to know your skin and what works for you! I use mostly Urban Decay and MAC, their products are my favorite, I have loads of other products for everyone else and some I dabble with. But when you get something that works for you, stick with it. And don't mess with your skin! It needs to be taken care of! 

I know all about it ! Major breakouts at the moment but I think it's a lack of water, I'm used to droning 2-4 liters a day, and since I got my new job, I'm not allowed water on the floor. So it means going up to the locker every 5 minutes, which has resulted in my drinking 500mls if I'm lucky! So I need to fix this! But if your having a skin issue - I assure you lack of water does not help!

Hope this post was helpful guys!!

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A Splash of Colour | March

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So it's MARCH! This month is my birth month! As if in 16 days I'll be 1 more year... Is 26 still considered mid twenties or am I totally Late 20s now? EWWWWWW! Why are you doing this to us? God why!??? (Joey, Friends)

So anyway!!! I started this month with a colourful glam masterclass at MNXpro! If I can be as half as creative and skilled as those girls I'll be doing well ! Ha.

So upload a few pics of the look, I'm looking forward to trying it and putting my own little stamp on it! 

The model is also Sophia _ Mitch... I didn't know who is was and I'm
Still not really sure, but I know she's a model, is only 14 and had like 100,000 followers on Instagram and YouTube! She's a little babe anyway!!

Leanne Crossan was doing the make up, and she used a full range of different products- I'm going to try this eye just using the electric palette and basics palette and she how I get on :) 

Now for the pic I'm about to add below,this look was my face yesterday! I tried the acid orange she look from Danielle Roberts YouTube tutorial ! Totally love this look, I think I'll be using 
this look next time I'm in work!! It was so easy to do! And I had to go and buy the Gwen Pallette yesterday Because I kept borrowing my 
moms and she was complaining about it... Lol 

Hope you all have a fab march! Let's make this one colourful!

I also bought so many new products yesterday so I'll post up some reviews next week once I've them all week :) 

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Mink'd ¦ by SK

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So that's what's up!!!!!
So, you'll see from my previous posts that I had bought in some Mink lashes, by fat lash. They were lovely, but I only really loved two of the styles, and EVERYONE in my town started selling them 5 minutes after I bought them in. And I don't like having the same stuff as everyone else....
So being stuck between a rock and a hard place for my absolute LOVE of Mink lashes, I decided to investigate...
The rest, as they say, is history ;)
So I now give you MINK'd by SK <3

I had to think of what I Love, and put it into these little babies!
I now stock 5 different styles, and because I've bypassed the middle man I can give them to you for a lot cheaper than anywhere else.
Usual RRP for mink lashes is £25, which is still great value when you consider you can wear them up to 25 times (more if you're like me and literally treat them better than a child)...
But my little ones are going to be sold for £18. Great deal for these beauties!!

So here it is...
They go "Natural" TO "yo shawty wat yo name is" within 5 styles (lol)
Style 1 - fab for a nice everyday lash if you have smaller eyes, or aren't used to lashes at all! I think they'd be so perfect for bridal!!
style 2 just nice and wispy

style 3 and 4 are similar, style 3 is just longer. I would wear style 3 as my everyday lash :)
YO shawtyyyyyyy <3 These beauties are super glam and perfect for a girls night on the town! if you love a big bag lash, these are the ones for you!
Here's a few pics of my sporting style 3 to give you an idea of them on....
Now check this semi natural state... I know right, I have no lashes, now you all understand my obsession !!
Thanks for reading <3
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Hey dolls!

Over the last week I was trying some products by Arbonne!

I had been dodging messages by people trying to sell it for ages, but when a friend recommended me I thought I'll give it a go!! 

I tried the products in the picture... I didn't bother trying any eyeshadows after swooping them with my Finger to see they weren't too well pigmented- so I tried these...

I totally loved the skin care! It's actually so lovely! And smells like a spa ! I used the oil control lotion and wrinkle one as I have oily skin! 

The bronzers were class!! So pigmented and they were the perfect kind of bronze!! The lighter one was perfect for blending it!

The foundation was a lovely formula. It didn't last all day for me like my normal foundation- but I think it would be awesome for someone with normal-dry skin! 

That goes for the primer as well! 

What would testing all this out be without a few selfies ... Haha!


Just a wee spotLight while I'm at it :)
With some Fat Lash Mink lashes! Which you can buy from

I also have amazing news coming soon!!
Keep an eye out on my Facebook and here !


I have been meaning to post for ages but I have been so busy! I will have to designate some time to blog once a week! So here's to making more time for this!

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