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The main thing everyone asks me is what kind of foundation should I use for oily skin/ dry skin / Normal skin.

'My make up never stays on'

'It goes all patchy'

'It just slides off'

'It darkens through the day'

Is this you? 
Because it's all of us - when we don't take the time to know our face, and prepare it for the day and prime that babyyyy!!

Throughout my daily makeup routine, I have a shower, wash and scrub my face with Dermologica's Clear Start scrub, then when I'm out I tone my skin, let dry and put on the daily moisturizer!
(You can use any cleaner, toner and moisturizer catered to your own skin type- I only use this right now as my skin is acting like a 14 year old and I'm trying to fix it lol) 

So once I've done that, I start to sort other things out, like do my brows, get dressed or do my hair ! 

If you are like me and Habe the odd 1000 spots on your forehead at the moment or anywhere! I recently just bought this blemish control gel from MAC... It's £13.50 from Debenhams and stings like a motherrrrr.... But when you want your make up done and that one spot just like to sit there all gross and 'moist' stick that baby on and it dries it right up! Read to then go ahead and prime that face! 

Pics from google images...

So after that I put this little beauty just in my T-Zone.. Just dab it on your forehead, nose and cheeks if needed, and this Skin Refined Zone by MAC Keeps those areas nice and matte and I feel like it blurs out any imperfections and just grabs onto your foundation !

After that... (I know this sounds like so much but it really doesn't take long!!) I get my primer on around my perfectly sculpted eyebrows lol!!! And the primer like the moisturizer goes all over ( you don't ever put anything on your eyes... No moisturizer, no face primer, and no foundation....

So that's your face now prepped and your brows done!! So now I'd go on to my eyes. I use Eden eyeshadow primer by Urban Decay. It's hands down my favorite eye primer! And I put a little shadow base on top of that... Which is just a light colored eyeshadow so that it's easy to blend everything! 

Voila! Do your eye makeup, fondation, contour, blend, bake, powder, blend. If I ever look too cakey/not even I spray some Fix+ by MAC which is just a nice re-hydrating mist. And then to set it all together to make sure nothing moves I use the Urban Decay Finishing spray! 

So I'd film a get ready with me.... But let's me real I swear way to much, I fart around when I'm doing my makeup:/ hair. When I'm rushing I can be done in 20/30 minutes depending what eye I'm doing, but while I do all This I go down after one stage and make tea, forget about it, it gets cold do something else then make more tea... So you see a get ready with me would be super annoying for everyone involved! lol but I'll maybe to a rush one! 

Anyway !! Moral of the story is PREP YOUR FACE!

And your make up will last you for days ;) it helps when you really get to know your skin and what works for you! I use mostly Urban Decay and MAC, their products are my favorite, I have loads of other products for everyone else and some I dabble with. But when you get something that works for you, stick with it. And don't mess with your skin! It needs to be taken care of! 

I know all about it ! Major breakouts at the moment but I think it's a lack of water, I'm used to droning 2-4 liters a day, and since I got my new job, I'm not allowed water on the floor. So it means going up to the locker every 5 minutes, which has resulted in my drinking 500mls if I'm lucky! So I need to fix this! But if your having a skin issue - I assure you lack of water does not help!

Hope this post was helpful guys!!

- l o v e - 
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