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My last blog started to get personal, and it was the blog I've had the most views on everrr and so many of you messaged me privately about it, which is so nice! I thought we'd get personal again, because lately- I've been massively in my head and I just thought, why not write.

I'm not a writer, I can barely speak English let alone write it in a way that uses the correct grammar, and there's most definitely going to be a spelling mistake or a word missing in places. Even with checking over it again, I never catch it on. But hey, I'm not professing to be class at this, I'm just writing the way I speak! :)

I'm not entirely sure if this should be let out there for the world to see all my crazy, but sure. 

I'm 28 years old (young some would say) 28. 28. 2. 8. Twenty-Eight. Ew. Almost 30. what is life. I don't feel like an adult. I don't really like adulting. I hate making decisions, especially serious ones. Unless it's makeup related, I'm one of those people that will spend 2 hours deciding what I want for dinner then huff and not eat cause I can't decide. I hate super serious things, they make me awkward. I'm a fun, silly, girl that loves all the banter, funny sex jokes and innuendos, I don't take any bullshit, but this all came with hitting my 20s, but so did a bunch of other shit.

10 years ago today, 18 years old, My Meema passed away. We spent the summer in Canada, which was to be the last time I saw her. My heart still breaks a little every time I think about that. After she passed, lots of awful truths started to come out that she wasn't the woman I thought she was. I understand that, and there's a lot of hurt there for a lot of my family which is horrendous, but she was still my Meema, and was always the best to me. Again, only child thing I was spoilt, and she was one of the ones that contributed massively to that haha. Funny example: I wanted my belly pierced when I was 12 and mom wouldn't let me, so I rang meema and she gave mom shit until mom finally agreed to take me. See. Spoilt. 

When she was sitting there in her chair in what was to be her last days, smoking- with her oxygen mask on, might I add- for those of you would don't know--- that could literally have blown us all up. But anyway, watching the Cancer just eat her alive. I was young and just couldn't quite hack that. I spent most of the summer with my girl Nic, and just saw Meema around spending time with Nic, not really realising the full extent to what was happening never having been through this before. She died alone in the hospital a few short weeks after we came back to NI. And that both upsets and petrifies me.

I think in your 20s you start to really realise, like holy shit I need to be an adult here. You maybe start to live, not so care free and realise there's some real serious shit goes on in this world- more important than who kissed who on a Saturday night at Kelly's (kissed... ha).

Now, I have a few things as an adult that haunt me, and not just my bills! Death. My Head. My body. And repeat.

All of these are linked in someway for me. Mentally, as mortified as I am to write this, I've been terrified. At the start of this year- I hated being alone unless I had something to do to preoccupy myself, but it's not for being needy, it's genuinely not about that, it's to save myself from my stupid, stupid thoughts. I know they are just that, but I keep finding myself in these moments, and I don't know how I got to it, where it came from, how my mind got into that place- but it does, and I can't breathe for a moment and I have to just let it win and cry to release it. I'll find myself driving, not knowing how I got from A to B, just lost. I think its panic attacks, I've never been to talk to anyone. So this is like, a big deal to admit outloud. I've had to just pull the car over and try to pull myself together because out of nowhere I just can't.
It's death, it happens to us all, but I can't shake the fear. Fear of loosing more people I love, fear of not doing everything I want to do before it comes to me to. Fear of what's next. Knowing I'm totally so young, but I'm not getting any younger. Buying a house soon, people asking about when the kids are coming. Fuck I haven't even gotten to Vietnam yet ! * insert monkey face covering eyes emoji. I'm insane, I know, it sounds so crazy.. I think in my head there's just so much I would love to do and see and achieve and you feel like there's an expiry date. I don't know. 

I think this fear hit me more so when I saw my grandpa C going through his last years too. It was so awful. Life really isn't fair. You work so hard your entire life, then when you should get to be enjoying your retirement and enjoying your family, you get handed some Cancer and Parkinsons for good measure. It's a sick twisted joke. It's simply just not fair at all. I had to put on a brave face for everyone, I held my shit together pretty well until he came home. 

I try to keep myself super busy, and live life to the full, but how do you do that when you're trying to build a future? They all say 'Don't be too busy making a living, you forget to make a life'.  I've been so busy over the past two years sorting out my business, and then when I have days off, sometimes instead of being productive my head goes elsewhere. But this has taken a toll on my body. I've been down and not arsed so I've just ate. Not a lot, I don't actually eat that much, I would maybe only eat twice a day- but when I do/did it was a mcdonalds, chinese, chippy. Some kind of awful takeaway and 30 buns, sitting in all my shite watching a movie and replying to clients. I've gained 3 stone since I got married, 2 of which over opening the shop- which I just blamed on stress and thought, it's fine, I'll sort it, until I realised the actual figures and was like holy good god woman pull yourself together. NO MORE of this bullshit.

So, not just for my physical appearance, but for my mind, I need to get myself right. I started going to the gym more, throwing myself into my work and now I can't win as I'm just so tired, ha! I had gotten myself into this state where I never wanted to go out out with friends, I'm always the fat one, I'll never look as good, I get in my head so much I don't go, or turn down nights out cause I know I'll be so self conscious and paranoid when I'm out that I'll get drunk and grumpy or boke, standard shawn. 

Slowly, I can feel myself starting to feel a little bit better. In myself, a little more confident, even just with people. I mean, I'm by no means shy, when I'm comfortable... But I am not comfortable in myself right now which kinda turns me into a recluse. There really is so much more to going to the gym for your body, looks, health, but for your actual mental health. I'm not saying I need help or I have a mental health issue, maybe I do, I don't know, but mentally I haven't felt myself. Going to Studio 365, It's pushed me totally out of my comfort zone and I've had to socialise in a place I would usually be so self conscious. 

The trainers are amazing, and so helpful, and the friends I've met in there are top class. It's just all real people. No bullshit. And it just helps make you fill like you fit.

I want to do this for me, I want to feel confident in myself , look good and feel good inside and out. I know when I feel good physically how much it changes my attitude. I think not being happy in myself has then given me this fear and all these depressing thoughts. My dad once said, 'There's no point stressing about things you can't change, dude'. So lets change stress into positivity.

I bought a few books that I keep seeing people get, thinking they'll inpire me, and give me some kinda positive outlook- but when I researched a few of them they come up under 'self help books'... I really don't feel I need self help... I just wanted something empowering, inspiring, power of positive thinking. 

We all go through shit. We all have struggles. We all worry. It's okay to not be okay, we just have to pick ourselves back up. It's okay to have a bad day, we just have to remember it's a bad day, not a bad life. (Any more sayings and quotes I should throw in?) :)
Anway!! I hope you all don't think I'm  totally nuts....
Here's to changing things that don't make you happy! Stripping the negative vibes, living more positively, and hoping making these few changes will help inside and out <3
Until next time,
(maybe I'll do a skincare post)...
Love SK 

I N S I D E | 1

Where it all began.

So, you all seem to like a good life post on top of a good old makeup post. I have had this one written, and edited and rewritten for like a year. Maybe I can write it better now, and leave it with a message that I will be more active on this. It's been SO long. Running a business takes a lot more out of you then you think! Behind all the glam and lashes (and lets be real, if you come in tuesday-thursday I usually have no makeup on lol), running a shop is hectic and tiring.

Well, everyone loves a good 'real' post. So if you want to know a little bit more about me, inside and out, read on, if not probably stop now. No really, this is going to be like a dear, dear diary moment, or 10. Everyone knows the makeup, the silly girl with the, wait is that American, No it's Ballymena, ummm, Australian? No Canadian, accent situation... So how did we, Mother and I, get to this beautiful green country, and why did we leave Canada?

Well, if you asked a little shit called Jenna back in Grade 6 (p6 to you), they'd tell you it's because another little shit called Britney, who was apparently just a skinnier version of me, bullied me into moving across the world. Ohhhhhhh Kids, they're GREAT. Get your violins out, yes stumpy over here got bullied. It's okay though, cause Karma's a bitch. She'll keep things right.

I should probably start by saying, my life in Vancouver was great. I had my Mom, my Meema and my hero- my Peepa. Peepa is my grandpa, he was grandpa and dad to me, and to this day is always there if you need him, just a facetime away. He's Croatian, so naturally I'm a mutt. A little bit of everything in me lol! Where was Dad? Come to think of it, growing up I don't actually think I ever asked that question, you know you see on TV all these little kids asking mommy the question, I don't think I needed to, because I didn't need him. I had my 3 angels, I didn't need no other mannnnn. Ha.

Where was Dad? The man I call dad, I first met on MSN video chat. MSN, the tinder of the 90s for all our parents lol... I was like, 9, maybe 10, and all the sudden we are like checking the time to see if 'Hella_uncool' is online to chat and what time it is in Ireland. EW. I was your typical kid. Who's this weird man I cannot understand chatting to mom. Ew, why is he coming to visit, EWWWW she's going there, what's IRELAND, and do they even have cars there? Does William Wallace live in this land? But mom, I just got my period- do they have pads there? or do I have to make a diaper?? Mom even wondered would she need a horse and cart to get to work. Fact. All the questions.

BOOM- 2001. Weird Irish man is moving to Canada, What kinda name is Ivy for a man anyway. I loved making life really difficult for them. Standard teen protocol, no? It was just us for so long, who knew 3 isn't always a crowd :) I remember always going to get a Sarah's Ice Cream in Ladner, BC. And one time he said no. We were NOT friends anymore after that. Standard, only happy when I'm being fed or bought something... True story. Ask anyone. I like food, and presents. hah! Who doesn't though!

If you haven't gathered, I'm an only child. Some people treat that term as if Satan himself created us. The disgusting breed of an only child... SO selfish, SO vain, SO needy, Blahhhhhhhh blahhh blahhhh... Don't all rush to disagree !! haha!! I think everyone has a little bit of all those things in them sometimes, its not just saved for the 'only child' species. I often get 'you wouldn't understand being an only child'. - I'm Sorry... Does being an only child mean I lack compassion, the knowledge of right and wrong, and how to treat people with respect? No. I've met lots of people with siblings who lack in many of these life skills, so bitch... PLEASE.

ANYWAY- my point is, being an only child, my friends are my family. So when the decision was made for me, that life was soon going to be changing, my heart wasn't just broken that I wouldn't see my meema and peepa every day. But my beautiful Was&Sams. I won't list their names incase they're like whyyyy you blogging about me lol!! 

Mom2 and Dad2- I was never left their house, there was my beautiful sister from another mistaaa, and my two baby bros- Who are now triple my size and could throw me around no problem.. Which is funny because Nic and I used to dress them up in bikinis... Well the older one anyway- he was more fun to make fun of, the young one was our little baby. But god, we loved them both. They were her brothers, and I know they aren't my blood, but they are my family, and I, to this day hate being so far away. Nonetheless, I love visiting- almost every year, and spending time with them.

No one will ever understand the absolute love I have for baby girl N. She is only a year younger, but she is and always will have this massive space in my heart. I actually can't even write that sentence without getting emotional. I grew up with her from her day 1 and we were inseparable. Things change so much with time, and it breaks my heart I can't be with her, through all the good times and the bad, and it really is so hard being so far away. 

So 2002. Northern Ireland. NOT Ireland. You can't call it that, some people will get offended by that. Religion. YOU cannot talk about religion freely. It's a touchy subject. Oh my good grief, I'm gonna get beat up if I believe in God. Where am I going???

I was 12. 12 years old when I joined Cullybackey High. It. WAS. Awful. I stood up for a Christian boy for being made fun of for being a 'bible basher'. That was it. Rep ruined. Being the new girl from Canada wasn't going to save me. Kids are assholes. I genuinely couldn't grow up at school now. ITS so bitchy, and social media just makes it so much worse... It was only starting when I was at school.I was the prude, the slut, the lesbian( not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm not lol) I had slept with people I didn't even know, and all at the age of 12... No. Just NO.

And if there's any advice I could give to anyone that is being verbally and mentally abused at school- until you stand up for yourself, and let them know you don't care, even if you do, be brave and give a big FUCK you. Because, school is nothing but a little piece of your whole life. Don't let anyone walk all over you. EVER. I learnt that too late. If I could go back, I'd be a 12 year old with a I don't care attitude towards all the wankers of the world that have a chip on their shoulder. You are amazing. So keep being amazing and don't let anyone get you down. 

Sorry, story within a story- I cut that short because, this isn't about that- but thinking about it makes me wanna just go to school and bash all the mean girls in the face for all the girls that are too nice, too shy, misunderstood or have their heads in the books. You beautiful girls and boys will go far <3 And would I change standing up for that boy in the park. No. Stand up for what you believe in.

By 5th year, everyone kinda grew up a little and we all just got along. But I couldn't have gotten through school without Steven and Liz... 16 years of love right there. Liz is the one you ring, and no matter what she's going to answer. Steven, you might have to ring, 30 times and leave 10 voicemails, snapchats and pm's, dm's, whatsapp and text... But he'll get there eventually.. lol

From there, it was A-levels at the Academy, Degree from Coleraine, 12, yes 12 jobs... in like 3 years!! and 10 applications to Xfactor later... lol and then here I am. (never actually went to an Xfactor audition though, it just wouldn't be fair on all the other contestants)... hah!! But in all these years I've made some amazing friends. Friends I call family. I don't have to list you all, you know who you are and I love you <3

All in all, moving to Northern Ireland wasn't so bad. Apart from the obvious, missing my family. I still have my little bit of family here, my little lily and big husband lol! And we got my grandpa to 
get an Iphone so facetime is a lifesaver. My family in Toronto and Montreal- are also missed, and I wish growing up I could have been closer to them all. But we all have busy lives, and live all over the place. So its hard to be in touch all the time, but the love is there<3

I guess this was just a little bit of a diary entry, rather than a blog. I'll stick to the reviews and makeup from now on, maybe the odd rant lol! But hopefully it was a good read, or someone can relate to moving half way across the world :)

Until next time beauties.

SK xx 


B E A U T Y . B L E N D E R

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“These tools were created to apply makeup easily by artist Ree Ann Silva. The innovative beautyblender® sponge holds water, not product, evenly distributing and blending the perfect amount of cream, powder, or liquid formulas into skin without lines.”

So I’m here today to prove it. I own SK makeup studio, and I wanted to stock amazing products in store that I stand by, what’s the point in having a shop that I own and hating the products I sell ? So I won’t bring in anything rubbish! My favorite product that I sell is In face the beauty blender. I love the way it applies foundation, not only foundation but other products as well, down to your skincare!

 So I put an old beauty blender of mine to the test to make sure it lives by this line of ‘holds water, not product’. I cut it in half, what you should see is that the makeup is around the blender, not inside! And yes, it is! Unreal! 

Now I’ve used many ‘fake’ beauty blenders, fake is maybe harsh, not fake but you know what I mean, kinda copies, other brands of beauty sponges. The closest one is probably real techniques, but the best one by far is the Original beauty blender. It’s so soft, I find a lot of other ones are too hard and don’t blend out the product the same way. I’m this case I definitely think in this case it’s worth spending the extra to get the OBB :) its an unreal tool ! Your foundation will look so seamless ! #flawless 

beautyblender® is the world’s first edgeless, reusable, high-definition cosmetic sponge applicator.

Only thing is - they do recommend you replace your B.B. every 3 months, I try to get an extra month or two out of mine by really looking after it- and keeping it clean.

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