G E T. IT . OFF !

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This will be a relatively short but sweet blog post but lots of people say 'how do you get all that off without rubbing the eyes out of your head'...





(Taken from google images)


It's pricey at £21.50 ... But you need very little product and it's so easy on the eyes! 

I use it for my face too! And it's great/ then use a hot cloth to wipe my face after to get that oily feel away! But it's so good!

Actually , just the other day I saw LMD on snapchat saying it was her favorite too! I need to voice my opinion more often as I've been using this bad boy since I was 17 ... If LMD think its good, girls you know it must be worth a go!

(LMD - Louise McDonnell Hair and Make up on Facebook... From portglenone N.I, another fabulous  talent up north! MNX pro and her make me feel like a fan girl!) 

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Jamie Genevieve|M A S T E R C L A S S

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Hi dolls (: 

So it's that time when I pop a few words on my page!

Anyone that knows me from Facebook or Instagram will have seen I was at a glorious masterclass at MNX pro in Belfast- honestly the girls there have some serious brow and make up game. LEGIT!

And the beautifully talented Jamie Genevieve was showing us all how it's done!

(These photos I took from MNX pro's Facebook 
and they were taken by Tim Cully) 

(These beauties were taken from Jamei's Instagram- 
look her up if you don't know her- you should!!!)

Top tip from JG- set your make up with highlighter.... GIRLLLLLL- you telling me my face looks like a disco ball???? Yes, and it's fabulous!!!! I will always do this on myself now !! Ha, and so many comments the past week too! So thanks a million for the tip doll, who knew!???

Now here's just some selfies of myself posing, or trying to look beside this gorgeous being- and another one of a good friend and amazing make up artist herself, Vicki Burke... Whom ya'll should also check out on Instagram!!!

Now here's just me- attempting to put what Jamie showed us into practise!! Hope you guys like it!! I got some good feedback and work so I was really pleased :) would 100% attend another class with Jamie, and planning a little trip to Glasgow to do so in her ONYX Studio ! Who needs an excuse? It's good for the business hubby.... :) 

I used a few different products, and different colours on the eyes as I didn't have the mauvy purple Jamie had, but still think this look turned out better than I expected it to! Hah! 

Thanks for reading :)

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T O P . T I P .

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H e l l o again!

I'm hoping to blog at least once a week, but sometimes it can be hard with work and a crying husband in the corner saying I never give him attention... Bless.

So I'm a big MAC fan, ever since I was like 15. My very first MAC Items were the Glorious 
***Studio Fix Powder***
*** Refined Golden Bronzer***

 ( The highlight soft and gentle I only bought this year... BUT LOVE - pack that right on the top of those cheek bones... DO IT! )
I just love it... It's so nice and smooth, not cakey at all, and its got great coverage.. When I was only 15-18 I would just use that as my foundation! Moisturize + Powder. Oh to be young and not know about all these contouring/baking/strobing techniques!! ha.
Basically, a lot of people use this service from MAC, 
but a few still don't know they do it - 
"Back to MAC"

You can bring your empties, lipsticks, foundation, gloss, eye shadows, mascara... 6 empties and you get a free lipstick!!!

The best part about that is recently I saw someone share a clip on Facebook... and I cannot find it to link here... but I did find similar ones on YouTube.... see below. She does it a little differently with circular palettes but same idea!!

All you do is: 
* get a pill/tablet box... 
*a candle or turn on your hair straighteners... 
*A spoon... 
* And all your MAC Lippys....

You literally melt them all down by either putting the lipsticks onto the spoon and hold that over your straighteners or candle... Put them into the containers like so... and now you have your lipsticks way more accessible... but you also have like 21 empties now... if you're me... 

Actually... to make life easier I found another YouTuber... who broke the lipsticks down.. crushed them into the self-made palettes or pill boxes and microwaved them... I haven't tried this one... but sounds way easier and less messy than exhibit A.... Always find the easier option after I've done the thing !! *Sigh

So...  I went back to MAC... and got 3 new lipsticks... 
and I have to say Sin and Blankity were a good shout. I LOVE THEM!

One thing I will say is MAC matte lipsticks are very drying! but they do have a good variety of them... As much as I love them, I feel like you have to wipe it off and like exfoliate your lips afer an hour and reapply... Maybe get a good lip primer first... but it still kinda makes your lips feel a bit.. bitty if you know what I mean...

Saying that, I'll totally still wear them... Sometimes I add a little bit of Vaseline or one of their luster like lipsticks in the middle to try and prolong that feeling of bitty-ness from happening!

But anyway... This is definitely worth doing! I couldn't find a very good pill box so mine looks a but crap... but its a great idea, money saver and space saver! who's going to melt their MACs and get some free ones now??


Wait ...

I already did.

Happy Melting!
(be careful and if you are young - get your mom to do it... don't want anyone burning themselves!!)

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