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Holyyyy Molyyyy...

I haven't written a blog in 6 whole months!!!!!!! I'm sorry I've been MIA but it has been a crazy 6 months indeed!

SO, last September, I thought hey, why don't I open my own business?
After talking about it for years, working in my dream job in Urban Decay, if you guessed. I decided to make the extremely difficult decision and go for it!

Firstly, Urban Decay is one of the best companies I have ever worked for. I was there just under 2 years, and it was the best fun I've had. I learnt so much in that time, and loved every minute of working with the brand. So it made this literally the hardest decision of my life so far.

But, I made it, and it's done! I am now the proud owner of SK makeup studio... I couldn't think of a name so I thought, if I go for my own it will save a lot of hassle- who knew decided on a name would be so hard... Freaks me out, and any name I wanted was taken, so, welcome to SK makeup studio. As if I own an actual business? When did this happen? And who even knew this would be possible? It's so freaking scary!

Something that helped me massively along the way, my mum, dad, granny dot, mother in law and father in law, and of course, Husband. For the full month of October, we worked our jobs, rushed into my unit, painted, fought, painted, fought, built IKEA furniture, fought, and repeat everyday for over a month ! (lawls) He worked so hard to get this all set up for me <3 Even though he couldn't edge the skirting boards to save his life... I couldn't have done it without him, and even now, when I'm thinking, what the hell have I done, he's there, believing in me, we got this !

Now, being the man is no joke, I thought, I hate the man, the man is a dickhead. I want to be the man, be my own boss. WELL, you only think you're stressed out working for the man, and working to get targets for the man.... When you're the man, and you have to make these targets to live. Ohhh aye, now you know stress. Not even that, but you are your own lively hood, you can't go on a holiday, not in the first year anyway, cause you my friend need to suss out whens quite and when you can, if you aren't there, you aren't making dolla, and you need that dolla to buy those Dougie's buns each week!!! LOL!!! Yes, we are situated FAR too close to the ahhh-mazing Dougie's Goodies !

Now, to be fair, I can't complain too much on that front, because it has been UNREAL since we opened! I'm so overwhelmed with support and how amazing the past 4 months of being here has gone! And now, Loise and I have started a makeup school, which was always the dream from day 1! Could I beeee any more excited for what the rest of this year holds for me and my girl?? (Chandler Bing voice)

My other rock, Loise/LB/Friday's Giirl, I couldn't have been happier when I through this whole Idea out there that she too was keen! It's been a crazy ass 4 months so far, and it's only the beginning. We have so much more planned and so much more to give to you all! I couldn't imagine doing it all without her <3 Who knew after that french trip back in 2006 we'd be besties, working alongside each other, just being ballymena's glam squad? I'm hashtagging... #dreamteam ;) 

So, no point in rambling on too much, this is just the first blog of 2017, and hopefully I'll be making time to blog more for you guys, I have so many products to review, and Hopefully I'll try and get one a week out for you! Even a few little get to know me ones!

Thanks again for every ones love and support throughout my makeup journey, and I'll be back soon, and more often now that I kinda have my shit together!

you know you Love me,

LOL jokes, I'm not gossip girl, although, I must admit my friend recently got me hooked and now I'm obsessed!!! I'll be doing my accounts or writing appointments in just being like BLAIR AND CHUCK WOULD YOU JUST GET MARRIED!!! lol 

Speak soon!

Sk xx
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