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I'm BACK!!!!

Well, hopefully! Running a business and getting time to do this is hard to juggle. But I've so much I want to blog and tell you, so, any of you that have followed me on snapchat/facebook, you'll know I'm obsessing over skincare.

So, I had finally got my skin right, and went for a facial, the facial shall not be named, some might know that are close to me, but I don't like writing bad reviews especially if it can affect a someone and their business. It's not fair to, as just because it didn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you, although it definitely put me off and I wouldn't recommend it just in case.

This happened around the end of may, and I'm only now getting my skin back in order! Now when I got this facial, I was told I wouldn't break out, but I was also given new skincare, and after reading more about it, I shouldn't have been trying new skincare after this facial. So without saying more about it... THIS is what my skin looked like after it. It felt tight, swollen, and so so sore! I had pimples and little tiny blisters all over my face, it was not ideal at all. 

My skin NEVER looks like this. And these photos don't even show how bad it actually was. But anyway, I watched a Samantha Ravandahl video on youtube, see below.

Literally watch that video- It changed my skincare life!! I bought the toner, the Good Genes and the UFO oil first, but last week I bought the cleanser.

So I've been using the 3 products, for 2 months now and my skin has improved so so much. Now one important fact- for the first week I only used in once every 3 days, week 2 I used it every other day, then week 3 I started using it EVERY day!  And I'll post a pic of my skin now :)

Still some scaring but its almost away!!

I needed a new cleanser, so I ordered the ceramic slip and used it for the first time last night. I'm going to do the same thing and only use it every other day to introduce it into the regime. This stops purdging, which means you won't or shouldn't anyway, break out!

This video spoke to me, I went all of june with a big spotty face, no selfies, feeling insecure, its bad enough I worry about my weight, I don't need to worry about my face too !!!!And its now the end of august, so I've been using this Sunday Riley skincare since July :)

I'm also loving the PIXI Glow toner! 

One thing I will say is, the Good Genes does sting my face every so slightly when I put it on! But it doesn't last very long anyway.

So my facial Routine is - Remove my Makeup with the Makeup Eraser- which you can buy @ Sk makeup studio in Ballymena, when my makeup is removed, I'll cleanse with my new cleanser from sunday riley- ceramic slip. Then I tone with the martian toner, pop half a pump of good genes all over, avoiding the under eye area. Lastly, just 2-3 drops of the UFO oil ! This has worked a treat for me. I do this every night. And about 2/3 times a week I'll add exfoliating into the mix ! Unreal .

So I defo recommend girls, its all quite pricey, but you can search sunday riley products on cult beauty -

If you have any questions, give me a shout! although that video I linked up there is awesome and gives you a lot of info <3

Talk soon,
Love SK xx
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